I'M BACK!!!haha...well not frm sailing..havent even sailed yet...hehemost probably will be on May 28..a monday..well, a fitting day to start a new job.. =)collected my overalls n safety boots yest at ofis..guess wats the colour??ORANGE,
MAN!! cnfm from far can see...so bright n 'luminous'..hahabtw..i managed to attend my grad day...am so grateful...n plus celebrating my mum's bdae!! wat more can i ask?? weewee..im late for the event(i wasnt late), actualie the whole thingy starts at 2pm n i reached arnd 140pm.. but guests r required to b seated by 1pm..sitting dwn for an hr, just watching vdeo?? oh my...i bet butt sores is the the topic nagged by many..haha!! =pnvrtheless, it was a BIG bash...woohoo..enjoyed every moments of it...thnx a zillion!! to my parents n frens..w/o u guys, tis wouldnt be so special.. (^_^)back to wen i was late (wasnt late) hehe... im so srry syafiq n so paisey as i was panicky wen reaching the convention ctr entrance, looking arnd n i cant find u...n i entered 1st...*looking dwnwards, wif innocent face*1st thing happened wen i entered was lyke WOAH!!..the plc is almost full of graduands n guests...all eyes on u...u noe the feeling..dun nid to describe lar..looked for my seat...went to the wrong row..aiyah..turned arnd n alas..my seat U9...i was saying to myself, "der u are, thank god!"row by row, slowly stood up n move off near to the side of the stage, forming a queue for the scroll presentation...n btw, the scroll box is E-M-P-T-Y!!..just for the sake of taking pic n formality..l0l!i slowly marched towards my sch's director...n instantaneously a wide smile formed on my face...i did it!!so on n so forth...collected my transcript n dip...ordered stage fotos...n time for refreshments!!n soon aft i stept off the steps in front of the convention ctr, a lady approaches me n congratulates me for my graduation...n i was lyke thinking..who the **** is this lady...i dun noe her..n all of a sudden, she stood der in front of me..congratulating me.. well i shouldnt be mad at her, since she wishes me...n ahhh..i noe wat her wishes meant. she's from the alumni club, e SPGG..trying to recruit us graduands to sign up as members...
it took some time though..n aft im done, turned arnd to look for my parents..they r gone!!
now..where do they go?? scanning arnd..the so many faces..still unable to find them..
FOOD..where else will they be attracted to!? haha...
aft eating is cam whoring session!! took few shots wif my mum n dad..n the rest is wif the whole gang..
will show a few pics next...let them shout!!

marwin . raye . me . fiq . jus
wif my abah n ibu..luv both of u so much!!

chey..posing wif empty scroll box..haha!

wat a grand finale..indeed.. =)
so much hav been done..hav been talked abt..tis past few days..
not giving chance to my thoughts to hav a say...well tis is wat im gg to tell on abt..
im not trying to create a BIG HOOHAA or anytink similar, not my
main intention..nor my intention even..
well my 'world' in tis case, revolves arnd my family, relatives, frens n colleagues..
if i dun inform..den ppl will tink dat ive ignored them..so pleasing every1 is impossible!!
lets get to the
main pt..ill talk my mind for this entry..
considering n comparing both advantages n disadvantages..im drawing out a list..
advantages1) More independent
2) More disciplined
3) More matured
4) More safety cautious
5) Understands how earning is v.hard!
disadvantages1) Homesick-ness
2) Seasick-ness
3) Luvsick-ness (mayb..)
4) Easily bored
can i lyke continue tmr?? im so sleepy...
oh yesh!! I may now b able to attend my grad day!! YAY!! n oso celebrating my mum's bdae!! woohoo!! yeah!!tis is all due to the delay of the ship im joining..currently the ship is in vietnam. Frm der, a trip to indonesia b4 coming back to spore..so it will roughly take 5-6 days b4 reaching spore...so i really hope dat i can come for grad day.. *prayers*alrd rented the robe... 1st time thingy for all poly tis yr... so, i dun wanna miss tis 'once in a lifetime exp'..hehewateva it is..its a relief, a breather in fact..as i got many stuff to settle..im so grateful to farhan n jeremy (my close buddies) for accompanying me on tues.. =)pheww..all done in 1 day! getting comp letter dats at alexandra, den to tanjong pgr for my medical, aft which to sch (at dover) to collect letter frm department. *Allow me 2 pause for a while..*next went to cmpb at depot rd to apply for my exit permit n deferment..n last of all back to tnjg pgr for my seamen disharge bk...ahh...im so drained n famished at the end of the day...but wat to do..im running out of time..nid to rush to get things done as quickly as possible...so frens out der, u guys still got chance to meet me though..if u want...
so long..tc cr n all the best!!
Things hav been v.hectic n im finding myself running arnd frm 1 plc to another..
ive news to share wif all of u...sadly....
im gonna miss so much all my loved ones..esp my family..frens...n erm2..haha!!
shld be away for abt 9 mth..im missing lots of things..
my graduation day...my mum's bdae..oh no..hari raya even..mann..
so much of sacrifices to be made..n im praying dat all tis is gg to be worthwhile..
all of a sudden, when im alrd mentally set on NS...im offered a plc ..okay, im glad wif tis..
but within 5 days?? WOAH!! im so utterly shocked...my fren too..whose wif me during the interview..
called back home..n ask for divine opinions..HAH! well since tis is wat i really n fully wanted..so just go ahead!!..tis is wat my father told me...
anitink, just rmbr HIM n for HIS graciousness.. im gg to be safe...
so to all my cuzzins n frens, whoever knows me... i will miss all of u guys...
hope to hear frm u all n do keep in touch yar???
smile always n u'll rmbr me.. =)
yeaHH!!..ive managed to try out archery at last..YAY!! heh...
nvr expected tis as i was only told to come down to help out at the ticketing booth n it turns out to be an outdoor event..
Assyakirin mosque had an open hse last wk sat n sun...involves a lot of activites for the whole family frm flying fox to calligraphy writing n to talks..ders everytink for every1..
so..morn' of saturday..mayb u guys still asleep..since its wkend..went down der...
aft a short briefing of wat needed to be done..i was introduced to a grp of gurls .. =D haha..
they r from madrasah aljunied n they hav archery as CCA..WOW!!..i was surprised though..
since its my v.1st time holding the bow..my 1st arrow dropped off to the ground..LOL!! not yet even pulling the arrow..
aft several tries...yupz..managed to get the hang of it..its fun..realie fun!! 4 those who havnt try..its a MUST!! haha.. =p
members of the public is free to come n try out...so to attract them, we all keep practicing continuosly..man if not becareful..u'll hurt ur fingers..
slowly ppl start to gather arnd..see the "pros" do it..haha..lyke real!!
ders a sense of achievement wen the visitors feedback dat they enjoyed it n some even try again n again..for the sake of charity..
well u guys tink its 4 free??? ders no freebies okay!! but still $2 for 5 arrows..i tink its worth it..
so tis continues for 2 days..n the outcome?? i got darker n ouhh..my skin dried up..n peeled off..yawww!!
no pain no gain ryte?? in a nutshell, fuhhh!! had a time of my life... (^_^)
den the nite on sat..had a gathering wif my robotics dudez..really missed those time in sch..had loads of fun 2gether...
till now...we r still in touch..im so grateful dat we r still 2gether..n the gathering was a BANG!!
of course wif gd food n stories to share..hehe all of us chipped in a few bucks to enjoy seafood..=)
just to noe dat we will remain as bros!!

frm left: me, araffiq, randy, jay-jay, zai, ronghui n nan