In a short period of time...a month, ive seen 2 of my family members got married.
Im happy for them as both are of young age. One is 23 yrs old n the other is 21 yrs old. Both ladies. Hmm...
1stly, is my cousin in m'sia..Najdiah n her husband-to-be n now oficially her husband..ehem.. made their wedding vows on 4th of June.
I was der to watch the action and had pics taken. Must give credit 2 my bro who was buzy capturing the moments. With so many relatives from both sides n friends, the place is simply overcrowded. To get a gd spot will b difficult n my bro had a job done well. Claps for him..*claps x2*
Ders 1 thing dat ive noticed n it was quite surprising. Usually in s'pore, we had 'rewang' which is the preparation for the wedding ceremony on the following day. The ‘rewang’ is majority inclined to women, however wat I saw was the total opposite! A platform is set-up and cooking preparation frm chopping to slicing n frying, all is done by the men. Im proud for my own gender! Hehe…*double thumbs up*
>> Fast forwarding to 24th June....
The day, the day which every person wish to come by... Its the unity of 2 hearts n soul!!
Reaching early at abt 2pm, the bridegroom has arrived to be ready for the solemnization cermony. Did i spell it right??
the heart must be racing or mayb like a balloon waiting to burst, while waiting for the ceremony called ' akad nikah'. tis is where the bridegroom will hav to say something, which can fail n den again hav 2 repeat it.
Aniwaes, both of the ceremonies have been successful and I cant wait who's next in line..hee :D