where i hav been?? been silencing fer like 11 days?? im back..but fer a while onli...(too bad)
ive been into serious revising 2 prepare myself fer my exams in 1wk++...so haf2 gear up b4 the judgement day...(sounds so BIG like dat...) hehee...
tis wk gonna b bz n bustling...full ahead in studying!!! no looking back oready...or fail!!
just wanna make things short, i took some pics while a day out wif my sis, my bro n abg syah..had lotz n lotz of fun. =)) teehee!! Go bowling...ive been wanting it fer like fer so-how-many-times...n pool n oso makan!!!haha..must oso pamper my tummy....hehe ;Pp Aniwaes, let the pics tell u the story...im lazy la...hahaha.
Let's get rolling guys!!

woohoo!! yeah!! look at me...
bradder rawks!!

sis, wat r u trying 2 do??
the hit-off

the pro at work...silence pls!!

let me finish tis off!!
(continue...) ARGHH!!! damn la...i need 2 retype tis entry...shit man. i was previewing the entry n i wanna edit it, so i press back. N its GONE!!! wahh...v.tiring eh...urgh!!! Now i got no mood to redo all over again. ARGHH!!! feels like banging some thing 2 the wall 2 relieve tis anger in me. DAMMIT!!
im alrd sleepy now n i gotta do it once more?? nvm. lets finish tis fast n i wanna go take a short nap. So just now go do my GEMS project. Got 2 do a roleplay n its a negotiation wif a shirt printing company. Me n my partner against 2 OP(opposite party). Need to complete the worksheet abt our strategy during the negotiation n tmr is the deadline!!1stly we planned 2 meet at 1pm. Den she said she was tired aft completing 1 of her projects at 2am. So she asked to change 2 fri. Howeva, i cant make it on fri aft class. Gotta go fer prayers, den aft dat need 2 rush fer sumtink else. So i seriously cant do it on fri. she propose 2 do it on thurs. Again my classes ended like 5pm, n dats aft my workshop. Confirm tired 1 ar...so cannot again. Den she said 2 meet over at biz sch at 11am aft her lecture. During tis time, i was alrd otw hm in bus w/out the worksheet. So i told her, ill go get it n rush back 2 sch 2 meet her.Aft reaching hm, i was looking fer the worksheet n OMIGOSH!! i got no idea where i put it. Im alrd late n things like tis happen. how things can go so bad...Luckily, i found it mixed wif my notes of another module. hahaha...how stupid can i b?? pheww...Aft much trouble searching, i wen off to the lift. I was abt 2 enter the lift wen my fone rang. Its her...
So i picked up the call. Guess wat she told me?? She has ended her lecture earlier n now she wants 2 come over. Can u see the situation im in? can u visualise it?
well im still ok wif all tis. Coz i wanna finish tis early. While waiting fer her 2 call me, i post the earlier entry fer 2dae. so u can see y i just end it abruptly.hehe.
so i go meet her at mac nearby my hm. got our discussion kicking n finished at 12++. Den we went fer lunch as i was alrd hungry the moment i reached hm at 10++. HAHA!! too bad, my body metabolism rate is high. I get hungry easily, so dont b surprised wen i got hungry out of the usual timing.
B4 i end todae's entry, ill show some of the pics i took wen in m'sia...hehe. EnjoY!!
a 'legendary' scooter...


wanna some lime juice??
